Thursday, October 1, 2015

Reboot? Restart? Re-just get the hell on with it?

So after over a year of travelling the country, working on various projects of evil (or more accurately, puppet shows, tv, and films) I sit in my lab wondering where the hell I go from here.

Olivr and I have moved again, so the current plotline in the videos would be skewed.

There are still stories to tell. There is always chaos in the labs. There is still a talking taco. There is now more talking food.

So I bring the question to you, the people still here. Those still watching. Those who care.

Do we stay the course and go with a big story, or would you rather just have one-shots? Or do you just want me to shut up and film already?

I put it to a vote! To the comments! To the facebook! To the tweeting site!

...also someone tell me what I missed on TV, a lot of time has passed and I know I missed sweeps...

The eternally tardy Prof.,


  1. You have missed forced psychiatric internments for political dissidents.

  2. You have missed forced psychiatric internments for political dissidents.

  3. I say do what you feel like. It's all up to you. :)

    TV: Heroes is back and so is the Muppets. My most favourite shows are still Canadian: I'm really liking Sunnyside.

  4. Very curious about the story you had planned, but do what you want, and that way you'll enjoy it more and it will show through your performance.
